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Crochet for a Cause


I’ve mentioned a few times about crocheting/knitting for charities and other community organizations. It’s something that is particularly important to me. Recently, I decided to take part in helping one of Loki’s Instagram friends. Yes, he has his own Instagram account (yep, he really does… @lokitevye in case your interested) and many of his followers become good friends. One doggie in particular, Alice, was diagnosed earlier this year with mammary tumors. It’s heartbreaking that these little pups have to go through such things, just heartbreaking. Alice’s mom held an auction of volunteered items on Instagram to raise funds for the removal of Alice’s breast tumors. Dog surgery is never inexpensive as many dog parents know all too well and this was a great way for all her friends to help out. Many from the IG community donated a variety of items from collars, hats (for human and dog), jewelry and dresses (for dogs) for the auction, including us. We donated the opportunity to have a custom made pom pom dog hat made specifically for the winning pup. The winning bidder would get to choose size and colours for their very own pup. The winner has since contacted me and the hat has been completed. It’s ready to ship out! The request was so awesome, Florida Gators colours of blue & orange. I’m excited for many reasons. 1) we were able to be part of something that helped a pup in need. 2) Alice’s biopsies came back… All benign!!! Yay. 3) A special pup out there also helped out Alice and is getting an adorable team spirit inspired pom pom hat. These kinds of days make me smile and happy to part of not only the fiber art community but also the dog parent world.

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